Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Comic Strip Collection Volume 4 Has Been Released - Blog Entry # 44

The Comic Strip Collection Volume 4 E-book has just been released. it is available as a download in PDF file format.

Each volume that is released contains a collection of fifty comic strips from the series. This collection features comic strips 151-200.

There has always been new characters introduced in each volume and this one carries on that tradition.

Each volume, at the time of their release, also contain strips that have not yet officially been released on the website or on the Internet.

You can see what other e-books are available on the Merchandise Page on the website. The download for the new e-book is available on and if you are interested in finding out more, just CLICK HERE. 

Oh, and if you're interested, CLICK HERE to find out about getting volumes 3 & 4 in one e-book ata special price!

Bob Craypoe, also known as R. L. Crepeau

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