Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The New Blog To View The Latest Punkster Updates

 Where You Can See The Latest Punkster Developments 

This Punkster Blog will now only be for the purpose of viewing the old comic strips. From this point forward, updates regarding the latest happenings regarding the characters will now be on the Craypoe Comics Blog.
There is also a Craypoe Comics Website you may check out.


Monday, January 9, 2023

The Punksters Are Back


A while back, I discontinued the Comic Strip.  I have recently decided to resurrect the characters and use them in a different capacity.  I am now creating images that present the characters in a variety of different time periods and themes.  Above, you can see them presented as characters in the Old West.
Some of the other themes include:  Ancient Rome, the 1700's, World War 2, Horror, the 1950's, The Renaissance Period, Ancient Egypt, Science Fiction, Movie Parodies, Pirate, Viking and more.  Below is an image that displays one of the characters in some of the ways he will be utilized. 

Eventually, I plan to do animated shorts that will include the characters.  In the meantime, I will be doing still images and animated Gifs.  So I hope you will enjoy my creations as they are released.
Bob Craypoe